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The Legendary Montramito lake in Massarosa with only 13 km separating us
from B&B Sunrise in Massarosa Quiesa
reading here it seems that this lake carries with it a mysterious legend
The Story
The legendary Montramito lake is truly amazing because it starts
in the distant Middle Ages
where the story begins from a convent of begging friars
The convent was old decadent and the friars went there daily
to beg for food and water
Whoever supported the friars in their need as long as….
Need for wealth
Need for wealth on the part of the friars the need to have food wine
riches increased more and more
In the evening after collecting the loot and riches between laughter
and a sinful longing they went to sleep happy
In the cold winter night suddenly the beds began to shaking the ground
under the convent began to shake as long as a strong shock woke the friars
a roar and then….
Next Morning
Next morning silence surprise and a small lake. Incredibly anyone passing
by could see that the covent was gone
Sink into the earth with all the friars!!
The Legendary Montramito Lake
Here is the Montramito lake where there is no trace of the
friars of the convent but only a seraphic lake
The source of this lake was used by the Ubaldi family who had
placed the castle in the Gulfa location near the lake
Today the pond
Also known as Prunuccio the source comes from Monte Meto
from the gravelly bottom where we can find :
tench carp pike sturgeon rainbow trout and black bass char