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Going for butterflies in Tuscany is a green itinerary that I recommend
for your next holidys
By chance I discovered that in the Tuscan archipelago we also have the
Butterfly Santctaury
We are on Monte Perone on the island of Elba
Dedicated to Ornella Casnati
The sanctuary was built to dedicate it to Ornella Casnati
scholar and naturalist but died prematurely
Going for butterflies in Tuscany is an occasion created by
Enel lega Ambiente and archipelago national park Tuscan
for the realization and to attract attention towards nature
Butterfly species
We find in this area of 6 km2 at least 50 different species of
butterflies where they have settled between the pine forest
the scrub and the meadows
We find the Polissena disappeared for at least sixty years the
conspicuous one Cleopatra the blue winged Tecla
However you will find many signs along the way that explain
what butterflies you will find on your path
The multicolored Vanessa
The multicolored Vanessa appears to have reappeared after 100 Y
of absence
They are Nymphalid lepidoptera insects that inhabit temperate zones
It feeds on thistles and artichokes
Thecla with blue wings
The blue – winged Tecla has particularities of the blue color is
given by the repetitiveness of the surface of its wings which
it gives the blue color not being pigments of this color
It flies fast and the female is distinguished by a black line
which ends the two lower wings
It feeds itself by sicking in the juice of rotten fruit and also
fluids dead animals spores mushrooms
The name derives by Menelaus the king of ancient Spart