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Verdemura green event Lucca starts on march 31st for 3 Days dedicating
the city in the world of gardening holes plants ideas garden
We are waiting for you for this weeek end where you can sit in the open air
walking on the Walls of Lucca
Location : Walls of Lucca. Lucca is located 20 minfrom B&B Sunrise in Massarosa
Go over Monte Quiesa and arrive in Lucca you can park at the Baluardo Regolo
Exhibition provides for the meeting of 170 Italian and Foreigners exhibitors
Nurseries architects gardening exhibitions and courses
Workshops for children bringing them color to the passion for nature for flowers
and plants
The Camellias
The Camelliias will be one of the protagonists of this exhibition
Lucca also welcomes the event linked in a particular way to this plant
with IL Borgo delle Camelie
Camellia is a shrub that has found its place in this area this location
at the Villa Reale in Marlia residence of the Napoleon’s sister
Saturday 1st April there will be a debate about the Camellias with experts and the
presentation of the new variety of Cammellias called Gemme di Pescaglia

The program is very rich and I ‘ll put the link you can see the times and events with botany
lessons or where to buy Verdemura green event Lucca is a market exhibition that opens :
March 31st from 10 am to 7,30 pm
April 1st from 9 am to 7.30 pm
April 2nd from 9 am to 7,30 pm
Ticket for 1 day 10 € on line one day 10.50 €
Free children up to 14 Y