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Choose which Tuscan pecorino to choose is a good question because Tuscany
has many quality pecorino cheeses
They are many and can be found in different seasonings coming from
different areas of the region
Pecorino Cheese
Pecorino cheese is a product deriving from sheep’s milk
The dough is hard soft semi-rigid cylindrical in shape with flat
sides about 15 or 22 cm in shape
The firm crust of yellowish color. The taste is fragrant tasty
Stages of Seasoning
The stages of pecorino cheese are at least two :
Fresh seasoning froma min of 20 days to a max of 60 days
Makes the cheese more tender. The pecorino cheese is matured
for more than 60 days firm tasty and hurd to cut
The seasoning takes place in an enviroment at +10°/+15° and a constant

Most famous pecorino cheese
Choose which Tuscan pecorino among the best pecorino are :
Pecorino Garfagnana that we usually offer in our brekfast als called
Pecorino from Migliarino San Rossore Park which is close to B&B Sunrise
Plinio of the Lunigiana Apuana Coast or from Massa
Pecorino di Pienza Marzolino is produced in several areas with fresh milk from March / April with a soft and sweet flavor
Where to buy the cheese
In Massarosa near us Triglia salami factory in Gombitelli
In Pieve a Fosciana near Lucca Bertagni dairy
The Consortium
The consortium has an official website created for Pecorino Toscano DOP The Consortium works to have quality products respecting the tradition and the enhancement of cheese in the world